15 research outputs found

    Jelenkori és múltbeli hidrogeológiai folyamatok sztochasztikus modelljei, ezek értékelése és földtani értelmezése = Stochastic models of recent and paleo- hydrogeological processes, their evaluation and geological interpretation

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    A felszín alatti vizek hidrográfjait alakító látens hatások hatások azonosítására, és ezek intenzitásának számszerűsítésére szolgáló dinamikus faktoranalízis (DFA) alkalmazási körét szélesítettük. Tettük ezt karsztos viszonyok között területi kiterjesztéssel, valamint nem-karsztos üledékes környezet talajvízszint adatainak elemzésével. A DFA a víztartó sérülékenységének hatékony mérőszámát nyújtja a látens hatások intenzitását reprezentáló faktorsúlyok segítségével. A Szigetközben a faktorsúlyok változása jól kimutatja a Duna betáplálási helyének az elterelés következtében kialakuló mintegy 15 km-es elmozdulását. Két fontos modellt alkottunk folyók napi vízhozam idősorának leírására, elemeztük becsléseik tulajdonságát, és illesztettük a Tisza és a Duna adataira. Az első modellben egy általánosított béta-ARCH zajt bocsátunk át egy ARMA szűrőn, míg a másikban egy szemi-Markov rezsimindikátor folyamat vezérli gamma bolyongások és Gauss AR(1) folyamatok váltakozásait a fel- és leszálló rezsimeknek megfelelően. A modellek extrém érték tulajdonságait vizsgáltuk elméletileg és szimulációval, majd összvetettük a valós adatokkal, jó egyezést nyerve. Eredményeinket felhasználtuk biztosítók árvízkockázatának elemzésében. Az aggteleki karszton repedésrendszerek kiürülési idejét határoztuk meg 5 forrás log-vízhozam görbéjének töréspontjai segítségével. | We tested the adequacy and power of dynamic factor analysis (DFA) in determining latent effects that shape the hydrographs of groundwater monitoring wells. Within the karstic environment, we extended the monitoring area of our previous project. We successfully applied DFA in sedimentary environments, other than karst. DFA provides a powerful indicator of the vulnerability of the aquifer by measuring the intensity of the major latent effects at a given location. In the Szigetköz area the changes of the factor loadings trace back the migration of water supply from Danube into the aquifer caused by the construction of the Bős dam. We gave two important models for diurnal discharge time series of rivers, analysed the properties of their estimators, and fitted them to the data of Tisza and Danube. In the first model a generalised beta-ARCH type noise passes through an ARMA filter, whereas in the second a semi-Markov hidden regime indicator process governs the swithches of a gamma random walk and a Gaussian AR(1) process in the ascending and descending regimes. We analysed the extreme value properties of the models both in theory and by means of simulations, and compared it with the real data. The results were used in flood risk estimations for insurance companies. We determined the depletion-time of various crack-systems in the Aggtelek karst from the break-points of the log-runoff curves of 5 springs in the area

    Is Einkorn Wheat (Triticum monococcum L.) a Better Choice Than Winter Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)? Wheat Quality Estimation for Sustainable Agriculture Using Vision-Based Digital Image Analysis

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    Einkorn wheat (Triticum monococcum L. ssp. monococcum) plays an increasingly important role in agriculture, promoted by organic farming. Although the number of comparative studies about modern and ancient types of wheats is increasing, there are still some knowledge gaps about the nutritional and health benefit differences between ancient and modern bread wheats. The aim of the present study was to compare ancient, traditional and modern wheat cultivars—including a field study and a laboratory stress experiment using vision-based digital image analysis—and to assess the feasibility of imaging techniques. Our study shows that modern winter wheat had better yield and grain quality compared to einkorn wheats, but the latter were not far behind; thus the cultivation of various species could provide a diverse and sustainable agriculture which contributes to higher agrobiodiversity. The results also demonstrate that digital image analysis could be a viable alternate method for the real-time estimation of aboveground biomass and for predicting yield and grain quality parameters. Digital area outperformed other digital variables in biomass prediction in relation to drought stress, but height and Feret’s diameter better correlated with yield and grain quality parameters. Based on these results we suggest that the combination of various vision-based methods could improve the performance estimation of modern and ancient types of wheat in a non-destructive and real-time manner


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    There were great expectations in the 1980s in connection with the practical applications of mathematical processes which were built mainly upon the fractal dimension, mathematical basis. Results were achieved in the first times in several fields: examination of material structure, simulation of chaotic phenomena (earthquake, tornado), modeling real processing with the help of the information technology and its equipments, the definition of the length of rivers or riverbanks. Significant results were also achieved later in practical applications in the fields of information technology, certain image processing areas, data compression, and computer classification. In this paper, the well known algorithms calculating fractal dimension in a much simplified manner will be presented. The novel mathematical concepts, named by the author as 'Spectral Fractal Dimension' are also described in this paper.Image processing, spectral fractal dimension, natural applications

    New Evaluation Techniques of Hyperspectral Data

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    Multiband aerial imagery in remote sensing is a technology used more and more widely in present days. It can excellently be used in research fields where there is need for high spectral resolution images in order to obtain adequate level results. At present, data collection is of a much higher level than processing and use. As the technical development of sensors is followed by a significant delay in data processing methods and applications, it seems reasonable to refine processing methods as well as to widen practical uses (agriculture, environmental protection). In the year of 2004, a new examination method based on fractal structure was introduced, which, according to our experiences, has made more accurate spectral measurement possible as opposed to other techniques. The mathematical process named spectral fractal dimension (SFD) is directly applicable in multidimension colour space as well, making thus possible to choose new examination methods of multiband images. With the help of SFD, it is possible to obtain more useful data offered by high spectral resolution, or to choose the bands wished to process applying different methods later